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I used to dread Shabbos; From Stress to Spiritual Joy.

I used to dread Shabbat.

The planning, prepping, cooking, cleaning, hosting, serving, keeping up with the kids, and then more cleaning left me completely exhausted and stressed out.
What was meant to be a day of spiritual rest, joy, and harmony had become a day I feared.
People-pleasing, perfectionism, and societal expectations piled onto me, leaving no room for Shabbos to truly feel like Shabbos.

When I realized I was dreading the very thing meant to rejuvenate me, I knew it was time for serious soul-searching.

Was this how I wanted to feel about such a sacred day?

Through deep introspection, I discovered the limiting beliefs and expectations I had been carrying—some my own, others from society or traditions I thought I had to uphold. I learned to let go of what didn’t align with my true values.

Setting boundaries was the hardest but most transformative step. I gave myself permission to ask for help, delegate tasks, and embrace imperfection. I focused on what truly mattered to me: connection with family, spiritual rest, and joy.

Now I absolutely love and look forward to Shabbos every week. I don’t know what I would do without it!

Now, Shabbos has become my sanctuary—a weekly digital detox, a spiritual reset, and a day of delicious meals, rest, and deep connection.

This journey mirrors the work I do as an empowerment coach. I guide women to identify and release the limiting beliefs and societal expectations that weigh them down. By realigning with their true values, they can rediscover joy, live authentically, and embrace their truth with confidence.

If you feel dread or heaviness around Torah and mitzvot—or even any area of your life—it’s an invitation to pause and reflect:

✨ What are your values?
✨ Why do you feel this way?
✨ What changes can you make so you can live with joy and authenticity

You deserve to live a life that aligns with your truth, free from the weight of unnecessary expectations. When you reconnect with your true self, you can serve Hashem with love, joy, and confidence.

If this resonates with you, I’m here to guide you on your journey.

Because you Deserve to live a life of joy and fulfillment

Zipporah Ruth

P.S Want to learn more about connecting to G-d from a new perspective? Join me THIS SHABBAT JANUARY 11 2025 in East Windsor NJ, where I will be running 2 workshops for woman at the Minyan Shelanu Shabbaton!

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